This precious Apron was handmade & donated by Nancy Eshelman- a fellow instructor of Stephanie's here at Blissful Living Studio. Thank you Nancy! Valued at $50.+ Please place your bid under the comments section...
Much gratitude to Velocity Design, Dan Speakman who designed our banners and Summit West Signs, who printed them. Americopy and Tara Fish generously donated their time and resources in printing our fliers. Arizona Glove & Safety thanks for the tents & cone stantions City of Mesa, Edward Stephens is also to thank for our cone stantions Thank you Shars Kitchen Center in Gilbert for the caramel blocks. Thanks Frys Marketplace on Mckellips in Mesa for the apples! Reachel , Lindsay & Niki-& the wonderful wonderful volunteers who are putting lots of time, energy and resources into making this carnival a HUGE success for the Nielsons. ALL of the donors who have donated so generously to this cause. All of you BIDDERS too!
Make sure to visit our other Auction & Information blog where you will find information about the vendors who will be at the BLISSFEST & the fabulous items they are going to be donating to the FISHBOWL RAFFLE. Raffle tickets prices are 1 for $10., 3 for $25. or 20 for $100.- so be sure to visit all of the participating vendors and show your support and thanks to all of the donors!
Thank you!
*you will be able to purchase tickets at the TICKET BOOTH & also from participating fishbowl raffle vendors.
I bid $25.00
$200. bid from our dear friend LIZ- Thank you soooo much Liz- you have a heart of gold!
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